Prasad Psycho
ADOS-2 Workshop

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) improves an instrument already viewed as "the gold standard" for observational assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Prasad Psycho offers a 3-day workshop that introduces participants to the potential uses of the ADOS-2 as part of a diagnostic evaluation for autism. The course is intended for individuals with previous training and experience in diagnostic assessment of ASD and other neurodevelopmental conditions. You'll have the opportunity to practice scoring while observing an ADOS-2 administration. The workshop focuses primarily on Modules 1 - 4 and Toddler Module. Attendees are given materials to study later in order to complete training in the Toddler Module. This workshop is for professionals unfamiliar with the ADOS-2. Clinicians already trained in the ADOS can update their skills by reviewing the ADOS-2 Manual and completing the ADOS-2 Training.

Learning Objectives

After completing this workshop, you will be able to:

Distinguish the key features of the ADOS-2 approach, including the rationale for the approach and how it enhances autism assessment.

  • Clarify use of the ADOS-2 for operationalizing diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorders.
  • Differentiate how to select the most appropriate ADOS-2 module.
  • Distinguish administration procedures for the ADOS-2.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of how to apply ADOS-2 codes.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of how to score ADOS-2 algorithms.
  • Interpret the basic psychometric support for the ADOS-2.
  • Examine issues in the clinical application of ADOS-2 results.


This workshop is designed for both clinicians and researchers. For clinicians with a prior background in autism and formal testing, this 3-day workshop is sufficient to support use of the ADOS-2 to inform the diagnosis of autism and autism spectrum disorders. Physicians, psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists will be better prepared to make educational placement decisions and evaluate programs after completing the workshop. Individuals with less background in testing but who provide service for individuals and families affected by autism may take the workshop for informational purposes. For researchers, this workshop is a prerequisite to more thorough training offered by the ADOS-2 authors and designed to achieve the high cross-site inter-rater reliability required in published research.

Chartered Clinical Psychologist & Expert Trainer

Marianna Murin is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist specialising in the field of Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and neurodiversity. For over twenty years, Marianna dedicated her work to promoting the psychological well-being of people on the Autism Spectrum and improving understanding of ASC as an international trainer in diagnostics of autism, lecturer, writer, and therapist. She has been managing psychology provision at the National Centre for Autism Spectrum Conditions at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, UK, for over a decade. Marianna is a founder and director of Autism Spectrum Directions, an international centre for promoting diagnostics, treatment, and recognition of autism and neurodiversity.

  • Certified international ADOS-2 trainer since 2002, highly experienced in introducing and teaching ADOS-2 courses worldwide, including the UK, USA, UAE, Lebanon, Jordan, Gibraltar, Switzerland, Netherlands, Australia, Georgia, The Caribbean, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Turkey, Argentina, and Canada.
  • Set up and established a highly successful center for training professionals in diagnostics of social communication disorders and is currently one of the most regarded trainers in this field in the UK.

What’s Included :

  • 3 full days of comprehensive ADOS-2 training.
  • Study materials and pre-assigned videos for a deep dive into the curriculum.
ADOS Clinical Workshop

ADOS-2 Clinical Workshop

